Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Road trip Wed at YA highway

Lets say yippe it's road trip Wednesday.  And like Haymitch in the Hunger Games I am both sober and ready to play - grin.  (and anyone who might be offended by my sarcastic references to sobriety - I am being sarcastic - lol -figure that one out -grin)

this weeks question --------

Well I have to say that I was more into wanting to be like grown ups in high school -

Kirk --James Tiberius ----   I was not so much a Trekkie as more of a traveler - I wanted to go all the time.
His job was to travel around and not get dead - save the day and then travel around some more!  I wanted to be him.

Like Sam and Dean on Supernatural.   

I also wanted to be a Truck Driver - notice the travel theme.  It was a hoot - and now its on to the next thing...

I wanted to be like Stephen King - able to scare the bee-jezzies out of people.  I always thought he was very cool - and yes he was pretty - which help my adoration a little - though my friends didn't get my taste in bad boys.  Lets see - how did that work out?  Well - I can scare people - hehehe.  I write....but I may have a ways to go before anyone in their right mind would say I can compare - no - he's still way up there in the stars - like Kirk. 

Last but not least - I wanted to be like every bad boy you ever met - why boy? Because girls had to wear high heels and be rescued.  I wanted to play with the bow and arrow and the sword too - not run through the woods and cry.....

So I married the very baddest boy of all.  He let me Drive the Big ole Truck and Thought it was cool that I could work on it too.  He saw me.  He was not put off by Girls who lead.  He rescued me from my own refusal to be the little helpless girl.  He was boy enough to stand next to me.  Sweet enough to teach me how to change a diaper.  Terrible enough to keep me on my toes. Man enough to live with the name Thumper - and laugh with every person who ever made fun of him.  We had to do alot of adjusting - but he saw past my hard - never mushy - outside and found my heart.  Yes he's a little afraid of me -- but he shows up anyway.

I would like to be more like him.  He can put things together quickly and figure people out.  He is slow to fight but quick to anger - and when he's angry - he can always find a way around - and do it anyway.  I love that. 

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!"    now the rest of the quote.   "It just warns them you are up to something."
Wisdom can be evil in the wrong hands - grin


  1. your husband sounds wonderful! i love the quote at the end :)

  2. Sounds like you found a great guy to spend your life with :-) Fun post. As for the quote, they say Teddy Roosevelt's daughter Alice kept a pillow on her couch done in needlepoint that said, "If you don't have anything nice to say...sit next to me." She probably would have been fun to meet, too!

  3. I wanted to be like people who travel, too, growing up. Like the quote.

  4. Your quote at the end was my dad's favorite, w/o the addition...though I think he would have appreciated that part too.

  5. First off, LOVE Supernatural. Second, you and your husband are adorable. And third, I spent the last ten minutes feeding your fish. It's sickeningly addictive.

    Also, just want to say, thanks for always commenting on my blog. I really enjoy reading your responses.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Ahh, I haven't been on a road trip for too long..
